Destructive effects of science

Science and technology is growing massively. It is everywhere now, from a child to an adult, from a poor to a rich, from village to cities, everyone everywhere is using it. New inventions, medicines and machines are being made every second therefore, with the comforts and luxuries it is showing its hazards and destructive effects too. It has brought us many useful things such as the telephone, the automobile, the oven, the CD player, etc. and has made living a little more enjoyable. If that were all, there would be no need to even mention these facts other than to advertise them. However, these so-called technological advances have also placed many hindrances on our daily life including lust for power.
Lust for power is an addiction. Everyone wants to become powerful so that he can rule on the rest. Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte and all the other dictators had the lust for power. They all had weapons of mass destruction through which they conquered, killed and spread fear in the hearts of people. Adolf Hitler, one of the most successful dictators of all time had tanks, machine guns, airplanes, bombs and armor of all types which ruined the lives of many soldiers of both sides. Napoleon the French emperor did the same. History is full of the people who had the lust for power, with the help of science they fulfilled their lust and used science against the humanity. This is all destruction. If we talk about the modern world, everything created by the help of science is available in the markets. Everyone can have it easily which leads to social violence and crimes.
Now a day’s even a fourteen year old boy or a girl can buy a gun, and can shoot anyone, anywhere. Then its avenger’s turn, he does the same as to avenge the dead. Because of this gang wars occur. Whole families are slaughtered. If we see it on a broader scale every country is now a nuclear power. The incident of Hiroshima, Nagasaki is still an example of destructive effects of modern science and technology. Babies there are still born abnormal. Science was a blessing but the inner evil of the people have made it a curse.
Everything created by human is being misused. Things made for protection are now used as weapons. The emperors used whatever they could to make science a destructive weapon. Every new gadget brings a new disease with it. In old days people lived for eighty, ninety years, the ages of the modern people is now restricted to fifty to fifty five year. This is leading the world towards its end. The world have become more materialistic than spiritual. It is all because of toxic effects of science on the modern world.

A guest post by: Shabahat Ali

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  1. Very helpful indeed!

  2. The nuclear power plants are serious danger to world.

  3. REVENGE is the main reason for all destruction…

  4. Shabahat Jafferi


  5. Usama Bin Masood

    good effort 😛

  6. I love the Muslims, they say science is distructive when it is Muslims blowing people up and shooting people all over the world. That has zero to do with science.

  7. Sorry, we live longer now, since scientific advancement, than we did before, which does tend to argue against your point

  8. Thank you
    It was a great help for me in my research

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