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Saturday, 13 July 2013


Q -- Who is Habib Malic?
     Just a regular guy who loves to eat, travel, and learn. Straight forward to an extent where people start calling him “Fahaash”. LOL! He’s a radio enthusiast living in the twin cities of Pakistan making the most of his time through interacting with different and diverse people via Radio, Tv, Social media etc. Taking every day as a new experience and something to learn. My fondest experience  of life is the series of events happened with me through interaction with new people. Calls for all the lessons learned in life.

Q – Date of birth?
22nd April 1991

Q – Star?

Q – What are you studying?
      Social Sciences

Q -- When did you start with Rj-ing/VJ-ing?
       Back in 2009

Q -- What stations are you working for presently? What shows do you do?
      At the moment I am working for “FM 94.0” that’s PBC’s channel and “Earth-factor” that’s corporate. My shows are mostly topics and information based.   

Q – What are your shows all about?
     I am an entertainer. My shows are all about entertainment and information.

Q -- Is it necessary for an Rj/Vj to have good taste in music?
       I agree to it. It will be correct to say that you need to have a good taste in music to put up a good show. You need to have people engaged in your show and good music is a must for that.

Q -- Did you always want to be an Rj?
       Haha! I never ever thought of it. It was an accident. My friend and colleague DJ TT gets all the credit for this. I accidently went for the audition, got selected and now I think this is what I will do for the rest of my life probably.

Q – How do you react when a caller has something adverse to say about you?
      About me? Well that’s their own subjective opinion but I take criticism with an open heart. And it’s always good to know the pitfalls you’re falling in. It gives a chance for self analysis.

Q – Perky Tweets and taking songs request on facebook and Twitter are the first ever examples of internet and radio association. How do you think will the internet benefit the radio and vise versa in the future?
      With the help of internet radio has been successful to capture a wider audience. Now the listeners have multiple ways to participate in the radio shows which earlier were restricted to calls and text messages. Moreover, people have practically started living on the social media and etc, it’s like as important as oxygen to them. Anything that doesn’t have a cyber side to it is very less likely to be rampantly popular. So yes! Internet has become a vital component of a Radio Show.

Q -- How challenging do you find being an Rj?
      It is a challenging job. You come across people who are very eccentric or unreasonable or at times just a waste of air time. There are people who would raise religious questions or simply stigmatize my job and say “Aap Haram Kamatay Hain” LOL!  Sadly entertainment business in our society is not respected and valued YET. But I am certain that people are changing, we are all stepping into a more rational world. Professions other than Doctors, Engineers are important and must be respected.

Q – What are your future plans? Studying or RJ-ing??
      I plan on taking media as my full time career. Hopefully! But who knows

Q – Describe Pakistan in one word?

Q – Why did you get into the field of Radio Jockey?
    As I said earlier, it was all an accident and then became a part of my life I think I always wanted.

Q – Your Passion in life?
     It may sound farfetched, utopian and overly used but I actually want to do something for the people of my country. And be remembered after I’m gone. I also dream to become the best host of Pakistan.

Q – Define yourself in two words?
       Twisted, Determined

Q – What is the mantra for a successful radio jockey?
     Haha! Let me know if you come to know about it.  

Q – Is it necessary for an RJ to be an energetic? If yes then why???
     It sure is. No one wants to listen to a dim and obtuse guy/girl on the radio. I guess a Radio Jockey must have the ability to light your mood up at any given time of the day. That’s the whole trick ;)

Q – Let’s conclude off with some favorites?

COLOR:  Depends on what, where and when.

MOVIE: The God Father, Scent of a woman, Goodwill Hunting, are by far the best movies I’ve                  ever seen.

TV SHOW: Dexter, Prison Break, Homeland, Alpha Bravo Charlie (Shoaib Mansoor)

BOOK: Animal Farm (George Orwell 1945) it’s a childhood memory and carries a social message for all times for all generations.

TIME OF THE DAY: Mornings (with no alarms) Evenings (with no work Please)

QUOTE:  I'll tell you something, it's not hard to die when you know you have lived. And  I did.Oh, how I lived! – Edie Britt.


FAVOURITE SONG: Stairway to Heaven - A song I can listen to for the rest of my life. But there are many other favorites too.

FAVOURITE CELEBRITY MALE:Al Pacino, Leonardo DiCaprio   

FAVOURITE CELEBRITY FEMALE: Jenifer Anniston. (Childhood love), Amy Lee.  

FOOD: Any kind of food. I am a foodie. But desi cuisine always gets preference over any other.

FAVOURITE ANCHOR:  Tariq Aziz. Without a doubt.

Q – What is your advice to someone who wants to become a Radio Jockey?
   Be aware! Once you’re in it, you’re in it for a life time. Radio is a drug that never leaves you.

Q – How new listeners/fan can catch you?
You guys can catch me on my shows on FM94.0 and you guys can follow me here:



Q – Any message for your fans or listeners?
You guys are AWESOME! And I love all my fans!

Q – What’s your opinion about ISLOTIMES.COM?
Islo Times is doing a great job. You guys are actually cool. When I read about you guys I was happy to see how youngsters have come ahead and working actively. We need people like you in the media and the civil society of Pakistan. I hope your network broadens even more and you guys go International and Multinational. You guys are portraying the real image of the youth of Pakistan which is energetic, talented, positive and enthusiastic about the modernity of the world. Keep up the great job guys. Pakistan needs people and organizations like you to rebuild our tattered image in the International world. Great job! (Y)


It was a pleasure. Thanks!

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

ACCENT PROBLEM? Paki People Times

Lets get the beginning of shorter blogs, bigger messages.

Shall we?

I've seen many people in Pakistan who just support their type. Shall i move more forward on this? Or you got it. OKAY LET ME EXPLAIN.

Suppose I have this great accent, so i will support those who will have an accent like me, THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Even I, myself, used to not think like this but if someone had the accent, i would give the credits, but no, an old mate of mine told me it doesn't matter, and to be honest, it never did.

Confidence is the thing which matters. If i have an amazing accent and i go up to the stage and I am unable to deliver what i want to, thats rubbish. Whereas, if someone, who accepts the fact that i don't have a good accent, still delivers what he says, ROUND OF APPLAUSE PEOPLE!

A class mate, even speaks in our language, Urdu, in the presentations, and trust me, that knocks off the other worse presentations given in English. He will be presented before TEDx soon. Its all what matters. Be comfortable in what you are in and then play in it a bit.

This is what matters. Believing in yourself. In your confidence, despite these minor thing.

- Fakeha Ali

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Subboh Mushtaq the first official Rapstar of Kashmir


Subboh Mushtaq the first official Rapstar of Kashmir and the new talent innovation working in Islamabad recently Collaborated with Metal Rock Guitarist Parham Faraid in new song of Subboh 

Parham Faraid:
is X live sessions guitarist of Uzair Jaswal.Now this Irish Boy will be viewed with Subboh Mushtaq in a song working in directions and productions
There third co ordinator named is not declared yet due to secrecy so these guys of different lines make themselves joined to give a new style rise of Hip hop 
work under progress 

Subboh Mushtaq announced this with talking with several media sections and Islo times .......This new collaboration is highly been waited .

Monday, 8 July 2013

Tooney Teez Owner (Interview)

Name: Fahad Ahmed Malik                     
D.O.B: 1st Feb 1989       

The idea which came into your mind before starting this amazing adventure of tees
Well I was  sitting idle , was thinking how do people make pages on Facebook,. Straight away logged in Facebook and checked how to make page. As I learned how to make it, it asked me to name the page. Thought for a while what kind of page should I make, and then t-shirts came into my mind. I named it ‘Tailor your t-shirts’’ first, as I was completely going towards customizing. After like two weeks I changed the named to ‘’TOONEY TEEZ’’ as I wanted to make it a complete brand and launched Angry bird hoodies which were a mega hit allover Pakistan.

Were you doing this just for the sake of money:

At first was doing just for fun, but as I got positive response from people I took it seriously. Yes was doing it for money but only to cover my expenses.

Does any bit of it go to charity?
Yes around 10% of profit always goes to charity.

You are the owner of it? Or anyone else keeps the share too
I am the one and only owner

You do custom orders
yes TooneyTeez does custom orders , mostly depends on order quantity.

If anyone from outside Pakistan wants to order
yes we have got services to deliver all over world. In fact we have shipped our products to Toronto, Austria and Dubai few times.

Did any customer at any point irritate you
Well I don’t think they irritate or disturb, it’s there right to ask questions regarding the product some do ask a lot
of questions but as we say ‘’ customer is always right’’

Are you calm most of the times :

yes too calm

Moving on, in real life, do friends take you as the TEES' owner? Or they look at you as you were before introducing the tees?

Yes they call me TOONEY, ‘’ Tooneykesa’’ .

Does this job require hardwork?

Yes you have to give time, as you know online shopping is a new concept in Pakistan. One has to make customers learn how to order and how we deliver etc. So yes it takes a lot of nerves.

Can people post up their ideas too related to how tees can be?

Yes we are always open to ideas. In fact before launching any new design we do inbox designs to customers randomly and take suggestions.
Where can they really contact you?

Currently we are on, we have plans of launching website but you know Facebook is a new big thing making lives easier and will be taking replacement of World Wide Web in near future.

Where do you look at yourself in 5 years and then 10 years’ time frame?
Outlets all over Pakistan

If you got a contract from abroad, would you go for it?

Yes obviously, why not.

What do you do besides doing this?
Play cricket, watch cricket, movies, current affairs

Should one be emotional or should one just chill in the upcoming life?
Depends on issues you are facing.

What do you say about Pakistans' current situation overall?
Pakistan current situation is crystal clear, we only need electricity to solve our problems and move the wheels of industry,and you will see how quickly we become Asian Tigers. No comments on security issues.

Do you think Tees would make a business in Pakistan?

Yes, it is already

What do you have to say about Islotimes?

A creative idea to target Islooites , very self-sacrificing venture. I hope you guys move along to other cities.

Blessings and Benifits of Ramadan

The blessings and benefits of Ramadhan Fasting are too many to be counted. If one does recognize them and realize their importance, he wishes to have the month of Ramadhan to be throughout the whole year.
These blessings are given by Allah to the fasting Muslims, who are to fast with full faith and expectation.
These blessings and benefits of the month of fasting during Ramadhan have been grouped and summarized into different categories. They are summarized here without commentary. It should be remembered that all of these blessings were taken directly from Holy Quran and Hadith.
The following is a partial list for the blessings and benefits of Ramadhan Fasting:
01. Taqwa:
  1. Fearing Allah (SWT)
  2. Practicing the Revelations of Allah (SWT)
  3. Accepting the little things that one has achieved
  4. Preparing for departure from this world to the Hereafter
  5. Self-discipline
  6. Self-control
  7. Self-restraint
  8. Self-education
  9. Self-evaluation
By accepting these criteria and by practicing them, the Muslim will achieve the concept of Taqwa in his private and public life.

02. Protection:
  1. Avoiding Immorality
  2. Avoiding anger/outcry/uproar
  3. Avoiding stupidity
  4. Avoiding all makrooh/mashbooh/haram
By achieving these good manners, a Muslim will come out of fasting a better human being in the society.
03. Revelation of Holy Quran: The Holy Quran was revealed during the month of Ramadhan. The Holy Quran is meant to be:
  1. A Guidance to mankind
  2. A Manifestation of right from wrong
  3. A Summation and culmination of all previous revelations
  4. A Glad-tiding to the believers
  5. A Healer
  6. A Mercy
04. Doors of heaven are open 05. Doors of hell are closed
06. Devils are chained down
07. Fasting with Iman (faith) and expectation: Such type of intention leads to forgiveness by Allah (SWT) to the individual's sins.
08. Door of Rayyan: There is in Paradise a door called Al-Rayyan. It is for the fasting Muslims. Only those who fasted the month of Ramadhan are the ones to enjoy the bliss of Paradise inside that area.
09. Rejoices: There are two types of rejoices for the Muslims who fast. These are:
  1. When breaking fast
  2. When meeting Allah (SWT) on the day of Judgment
10. Mouth Smell: The smell of the mouth of the fasting Muslim will be better than the smell of musk during the day of Judgement. (Bad Breath) 11. Glad-Tidings: These glad-tidings are given to the well-wishers while the ill-wishers are to be stopped during fasting.
12. Ramadhan -to- Ramadhan: Whoever fasts two consecutive months of Ramadhan with good intention will receive forgiveness for the mistakes committed throughout the year.
13. Multiplication of Rewards: Doing good = 10x, 70x, 700x or more during the month of Ramadhan.
14. Feeding Others: Whoever invites others to break the fast, and whoever takes care of the hungry, needy, during the last ten days of Ramadhan will receive equal rewards to the fasting person(s).
15. Blessing of Iftar: Dua is accepted by ALLAH (SWT) at Iftar time.16. Blessings of Sahoor (The late night meal): This meal time gives the opportunity for:
  1. Night Prayers
  2. Zikr, Remembrance, Contemplation
  3. Recitation of Holy Quran
  4. Fajr Salat in Jamaat
  5. Dua of Fajr
17. Night Prayers: Whoever performs the Night prayers with sincerity and good intention will receive forgiveness of his past mistakes. 18. Shafa'at (Pleading One's Case for Forgiveness): Whoever fasts Ramadhan will receive on the day of Judgement the Shafa'at of:
  1. Ramadhan
  2. Holy Quran
19. Ihya (Passing Nights Awake): Last ten days of Ramadhan. When a Muslim makes this type of effort, he will get rewards, forgiveness, and multiples of blessings. 20. Itikaf (Retreat): A Muslim who performs Itikaf during the last ten days of Ramadhan will get:
  1. Blessings and rewards
  2. Peace of mind
  3. Contemplation and evaluation
  4. Better citizen
21. Lailatul Qadr (The Night of Power): Whoever observes it with sincerity and good intention will get the following benefits:
  1. Forgiveness of mistakes
  2. Better than 1,000 months
  3. Dua
  4. Zikr
  5. Prayers
  6. Reading Holy Quran
  7. Rewards
  8. Blessings
  9. Better human being
22. Generosity: Kindness, hospitality, visitation, etc. All of these and many more are among the benefits of Ramadhan. 23. Zakat al-Fitrah (Charity on Eid Day): The benefits of paying such as charity to the needy are tremendous, among which are the following:
  1. Purity
  2. Feeding the needy
  3. Sharing happiness
  4. Improving human relations
  5. Improving society
24. Sadaqah (Charity): The benefits of paying sadaqah are many. These are summarized as follows:
  1. Purity
  2. Flourishing of wealth
  3. Improving economy
  4. Circulation of wealth
  5. Elimination of inflation
  6. Elimination of poverty
25. Fasting and Health: By fasting, one gets the following benefits:
  1. Purification of body from toxins
  2. Reducing of weight
  3. Purity of brain
  4. Rejuvenation of body
  5. Living of life with happiness
  6. Looking younger
26. Change of Lifestyle: By living a different life style, one gets rid of the monotony of life and hence enjoys his life span. 27. Sharing: Of hunger, thirst and rituals with others in the society.
28. Eid-ul-Fitr (Feast): Sharing of happiness and visitation of one another as members of the society.
29. Graveyards Visitation: One will get the following benefits by visiting graveyards.
  1. Dua for the deceased
  2. Preparing oneself for departure from this world
  3. Feeling respect for the deceased
  4. Making the person to be humble in his life
30. Every breath is Tasbiih. Every breath and even sleep is Ibadah and awarded. 31. Umrah in Ramadhan: Visiting Makkah during the fasting month of Ramadhan is:
  1. Equal to one Hajj (pilgrimage)
  2. Equal to one Hajj with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
32. Historical Successes and Victories in Ramadhan: Muslims throughout their history received many benefits during Ramadhan the month of fasting, among which are the following:
  1. Battle of Badr
  2. Battle of Khandaq
  3. Opening of Makkah
  4. Battle of Tabuk
  5. Tariq Ibn Ziyad opened Europe
  6. Salahuddin liberated Jerusalem from the crusaders
  7. Egypt and Israel, 1973 - Egyptians kicked the Israelis out of Egypt during Ramadhan the month of fasting, etc.
33. Learning lessons from historical incidents that happened during Holy Ramadhan the month of fasting, e.g.
  1. Wafaat Hazrat Khadijeh (RA).
  2. Wiladat Imam Hassan bin Ali (RA).
  3. Shahadat Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (RA).
  4. Youm-al-Quds.

Asim Subhani "Sukoon"

Jab Bhi Main Tanhai Mein
Tera Naam Loon
Jab Bhi Main Tanhai Mein
Tera Naam Loon
Mujhay Aaye Kyun Sukoon
Mujhay Aaye Kyun Sukoon
Mujhay Aaye Kyun Sukoon
Mujhay Aaye Kyun Sukoon

Terey Khayaal Mein Din Raat Younhi Guzar Jaatay Hain
Merey Ye Raastay Teri Raahoun Se
Ho Kar Aatay Hain
Per Aaye Kyun Na Tu
Per Aaye Kyun Na Tu

Teri Aaghosh Se Sab Raahatein Aisay Jurreen
Jaisay Ho Jism Se Saaya
Dur Tujh Se Hua Khud Se Hua Main Baykhabar
Per Tujhay Na Bhula Paaya
Terey Khayaal Se Merey Dard Saaray Sanwar Jaatay Hain
Merey Ye Raastay Teri Raahoun Se
Ho Kar Aatay Hain
Per Aaye Kyun Na Tu
Per Aaye Kyun Na Tu

Dhhal Jaye Gi Raat Phir Aaye Gi Yaad Tujh Ko Kabhi Jo Meri
Aisa Mujhay Hai Yaqeen
Aao Gay Phir Tum Yaheen
Tum Laut Aana Wahan Per Jahan Se Shuru Thee Hui Dooriyaan
Chhorray Hain Terey Liye
Qadmoun Kay Main Nay Nishaan
Jo Aaye Shaam Tou Panchhi Bhi Saaray
Ghar Aatay Hain
Hazaar Darbadar Hotay Hain Phir Bhi Chalay Aatay Hain
Per Aaye Kyun Na Tu
Per Aaye Kyun Na Tu

Video link :

Asim Subhani ( Interview )

Name: Asim Subhani
DOB: September 19, 1988.
Nick Name: Never had one. A friend used to call me 'Asimo'.
Favorite dish: Paalak Gosht ki kya baat hai .. Hayeeeeee !
Tell us a bit about yourself? I am Virgo, very unpredictable and a spot on person, I live in the moment. I hate to dwell over the past and I only look at the future. I guess that’s what has mainly always helped me to be focused on my main goal which is to be the most loved one in the eyes of the people around me and Alhamdolillah I’m successful in that! As Salman Khan said, "I don't plan anything because when you do, The ONE above laughs.” I have the same belief! At times, I love the ‘me’ time i.e. personal time with the 'Khamosh and Relaxed version' of Asim Subhani. Najam Sheraz's "In Say Nain" and Aamir Saleem's "Ajnabi" gave birth to a singer in me and I'm thankful to them for that. I love to get my hands on the latest gadgetry. My time at home is mostly spent with my ma (who's my life). I love to smile in pain .. That's how I am .. I'm od like anything! Just believe in loving The Living Creatures !!!
Study background? Did Matric from ICB, A-level from Roots High School and then joined LLB (Hons.) from University of London.
What are your songs about? My taste.
Who inspired you to become a singer? Michael Jackson and Sonu Nigam.
That one artist you would love to work with? Himesh Reshammiya.
Define music/singing in your own words? Music and singing are two different realities. Both are quite subjective things I believe. As far as I'm concerned, Music gives me a lot of energy and takes me to an entirely new world. And singing gives me 'Sukoon'. I love to sing - I just love it!
Is there any message you consistently try to portray in your music? I love adventures that's why I'm trying to do all kinds of music. So, my music for now isn't message oriented but in future, Yes! I would love to make songs with the message primarily being that the life never stops and the hope should always be there!
If you got a record deal at this second, would you accept it? Yes of course!
Would you prefer performing solo or with band? Solo.
Best performance yet? It was an acting venture, at PNCA Islamabad recently (June 2013), 'Ik Khwaab Sa Lagta Hai' and I just loved it!
Views about Pakistani music industry? It's in a really bad shape!
Which Pakistani female vocalist would you like to collaborate with? I love working with new people. Especially youth. Ephra Khan Durrani and Maria Fatima Unera Qureshi are doing wonderful Masha'Allah and have a lot of potential.
Which Pakistani male vocalist would you like to collaborate with? Since the question is about 'Vocalist' so Ali Zafar is my choice because he's always up to something new. If it was about Pakistani 'Artist', my choice would be the 'Junooni' - Salman Ahmed!
How much role does the sound editing software play in a final ready to listen song? 70%
Which musical instrument do you play really well? I'm a vocalist and I play with my vocals only!
Worst comment by any hater? Can't call it worst, its the funniest, that I look gay .. hahaha!
Any upcoming projects? Of course! My music has just begun. I collaborated with One of the Best Rappers around Osama Com Laude (OCL) for a song 'Pyaray ALLAH' which is the Ramazan Special for 2013.
Any message for your fans: Just listen to your Heart and do whatever you want to keeping in mind the Limits prescribed by ALLAH! Trust Me, Success will come to you by itself! 
Where can we find you online? My Official Webhome, Facebook, Twitter, SoundCloud, YouTube, Vimeo. Just look for Asim Subhani there or google!
How do you interact with your fans? On my Official Facebook Page -
Views about Islotimes: Islotimes is doing a fabulous job. As I said earlier, Pakistani Music Industry is in a really bad shape, in such a time when the young artists or new faces need recognition, support, appreciation, promotion and help, Islotimes is there for them! As they say, a Friend in need is a friend indeed! So, I believe that Islotimes is being a real friend of youngsters! Thumbs Up to the whole Team 

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Romee Khan (Interview)

Name: Romee Khan

Nick Name: Romee

Favorite dish
: Biryani

Tell us a bit about yourself?
I am 21 years old.Singing is my passion and I love Music.

Study background?
Studying in College

What are your songs about?
Its about love that did'nt complete.

Who inspired you to become a singer?
Falak Shabir And Imran Khan

That one artist you would love to work with?
Falak Shabir

Define music/singing in your own words?
Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music.

Is there any message you consistently try to portray in your music?
no not really.

If you got a record deal at this second, would you accept it?
may be

Would you prefer performing solo or with band?
with band

Best performance yet?
at collon hall in downtown

Views about Pakistani music industry?
so much competition

Which Pakistani female vocalist would you like to collaborate with?


Which Pakistani male vocalist would you like to collaborate with?


How much role does the sound editing software’s play in a final ready to listen song?

not sure

Which musical instrument do you play really well?

Worst comment by any hater?
not yet

Any upcoming projects?
yes 2 more songs

Any message for your fans
i love my fans and i always wanna satisfy them

Where can we find you online?

How do you interact with your fans?
with my all love

Views about Islotimes:
best people and help to upcoming artist.

Tu Yeh Janay Na By Romee Khan ( Mp3 )


Before death he was smiling he gave his hand to Jewel and jewel hold his hand very tightly in front of his bed his daughter in law was standing he looked at him and she hold his second hand and he was smiling continuously as he was enjoying his last moment, Buchwald close his eyes, take a deep breath and then there was a long silence in the room, his son, his wife everyone was silent.

Art Buchwald, the most famous article writer, his article published daily in 600 different world’s newspaper at the same time. His story is very interesting in fact I found it very interesting.

He was born on 1925 in New York. He tries to take admission in the school but all in vein he didn’t study there and left the school. His father Joseph Buchwald was a curtain manufacturer. He joined Navy, he did 3years job in navy but after becoming Sergeant he left Navy and come back to home. He takes admission in university of South California, he study there at least 3years but it was useless because he didn’t get anything from there.

In 1948 he collect 350$ and go to Paris and in Paris he join “Variety magazine” in magazine he start writing about Paris charming life style, the readers like his article and Art Buchwald become a writer.

In 1952 New York herald Tribune “Syndicate” his column. Art Buchwald’s column at the same was publishing in top 30 different newspaper of the United States. In 1962 he comes back to United States and in 1970 his articles was publishing in 600 different newspapers of the world.

He hired a team of 36 intelligent persons who wrote his column on daily basis. He also hired a psychiatrist for his article who is responsible for analyzing the psychic side of the column. His article was full of humor. He always try to present a positive side of a thing through humor.

He was also involve in many social activities in the world and he called it a “pray” once he said “Human is a combination of three things Body, Soul, and brain. For maintaining a healthy body we do exercise, for sharpen our brain we study but every time we forget our soul and we never do anything to sharpen it whereas there is a strong connection between our soul, body and brain. Body and brain is directly connected with the soul . I am liberal sort of person but I considered exercise as a pray for body, study as a pray for brain and social work as a pray for soul”.

Art Buchwald’s death was more interesting than all things in his life. In February 2006 he suffers from renal failure and for that he regularly go twice in a week for dialysis. He was bored of dialysis and therefore he decides to die. United states have two types of medical homes hospital and Hospice. He chooses Hospice as a last place for death. Hospice care is a type and philosophy of care that focuses on the palliative care of a terminally ill or seriously ill patient’s pain and symptoms, and attending to their emotional and spiritual needs.

He was very happy in the hospice care and stopped his dialysis. Through this step he become very famous throughout the world and every newspaper in the world was giving full attention to him. Buchwald invited a radio talk show presenter for interview and during the interview he described his decision as his “Last Hurrah” stating that “if you have to go, the way you go is a big deal”. He said that he was very happy with his choice was eating at MacDonald’s on a regular basis.

The medical staff of the Hospice was expecting that he was a guest of some days but no one knows the real truth and with the special blessing of God his kidney starts working and he become normal and after three weeks he left Hospice and continue his article writing.

Art Buchwald wrote a special article for his readers and he instruct his staff that this article will be publish after his death and the article’s name was “GOOD BYE MY FRIENDS”. This article was published in late January 2007 after his death.

In his 60years career of journalism he never wrote any serious article he always writes humorous articles and he continued it till the end. Everyone should read his last article. He wrote in his last article “friends!! During the last breaths of the life I remember a song “What’s it all about, Alfie?”. I don’t know how well I’ve done while I was there but I’d like to think some of my printed works will preserve---at least for three years. I know it’s very egocentric to believe that someone is put on Earth for a lesson. In my case I like to think I was. And after this column appears in the paper following my passing, I would like to think it will either wind up on a cereal box top or be repeated every THANKS GIVING DAY.”

So, “What’s it all about, Alfie?” is my way of saying Good bye.

It was just a normal and routine column from Art Buchwald but if you just go into the deeper you will get to know that it’s a unforgettable column from him. If you took a glance on the past of the writer you will get to know that this article is written by one who is one step away from death and can listen the feet sound of Death but regardless of all that he wrote it like the way he always wrote full of humour which shows commitment towards his work.

Art Buchwald always wrote ironic articles and he continued it till the end. He never become hopeless he never become sad he always smile and he always full of hopes and that is what his last article tells us.

I don’t have words to cover his personality in fact it will take three to four pages to cover his life story but what I really love about him that he always be patience and available for others. He always helps other with open heart. He gave us the message of hope, he gave us the message of patience, he gave us the message of sincerity towards profession, he gave us the message of availability to others.

                                WELL DONE ART BUCHWALD!!!! YOU ARE THE BEST.